B-FAST operations 2005

Thailand- Indonesia - Sri Lanka - Roemenia - USA - Niger - Bulgaria - Pakistan
Overview of B-FAST operations in 2005

In 2005, various major B-FAST operations took place. 

In Spring 2005, a major dual operation took place in the South-East Asian regions hit by both a seaquake and a tsunami. Victim identification teams were sent to Thailand where they helped with the identification of victims within a European and international framework. Furthermore, a B-FAST mission took to the Indonesian province Aceh in order to help local authorities and the UN build camps for displaced people, to provide logistic support and to send food to the disaster-affected population. B-FAST also funded the sending of equipment provided for by Unicef and AZG (Doctors without Borders) to Sri Lanka in Indonesia.

 In July 2005, Romania also suffered heavy flooding. Items such as tents, blankets, medicines and hygienic material were delivered through the Romanian Red Cross to the disaster-affected population.

In August 2005, B-FAST send a logistic team to help the American Red Cross for three weeks with the aid coordination in the region hit by hurricane Katrina.

In August 2005, food aid was sent to Niger that was facing  famine.

In the same month, the civil security services of Bulgaria were provided with 120,000 sand bags as a protection against floods.

In October 2005, two B-FAST teams of logistic experts and 18 medical staff left for Kashmir in Pakistan which was hit by a massive earthquake.
The aid transport consisted of a fully equippedfield hospital, tent camp equipment, blankets and stoves as well as medical kits from the World Health Organisation (WHO), to provide primary healthcare for up to 10,000 people for three months.